Posting regularly on Instagram is not enough anymore

With the Instagram algorithm constantly changing, it is crucial to keep up and have an effective Instagram strategy in place.

Check out a few simple tricks that you can use to get more comments, more likes, and, ultimately more followers.

Dollar Eighty Strategy

Coined by world-leading marketer Gary Vaynerchuk, the dollar eighty strategy is where you leave your opinions or 2 cents on the top 9 trending posts for 10 different hashtags relevant to you each day.

This strategy helps you engage users in your niche and satisfy the Instagram algorithm in the form of comments. To do this, look up hashtags relevant to you.

Be sure to leave a genuine comment on each of these 9 posts. Doing this twice a day will guarantee that your engagement numbers jump high. It shows the algorithm that you are engaging with people in your niche, and since most of these posts are relatively new, the users are bound to respond or check your profile or even follow you.

Use niche hashtags

Using niche Instagram hashtags can help you build a community around your brand and increase the number of your Instagram comments faster.

It's also easier to rank higher in smaller hashtags and let people find you through the hashtag browser.

I'm talking 20x increase in your organic traffic. For example, instead of tagging your content #furniture, which has almost 20 million Instagram posts, try adding your business' location to the hashtag to narrow it down and help people find you.

Use Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are an effortless way to engage with your audience and get more Instagram comments. Why?

Because that's where your most engaged fans will look when your profile picture appears on the very top of their Instagram feed.

The other reason is that Stories have many cool features that allow you to interact with your audience directly. You can create polls, ask and answer questions, measure how people feel about something, conduct a quiz, and more.

Stories also appear in the hashtag browser or on the explore page, so you can include some hashtags there and make your content more visible to those who don't follow you.

Share your feed posts to your Stories

This trend has gotten quite popular recently, and for a good reason. Due to Instagram's algorithm, it's getting harder and harder to show up in your followers' news feed.

That's why you should share your regular feed posts to your Stories as well. This way, more people will see your new content, and you'll ultimately get more comments on Instagram.

Tag people, brands, locations

This one is as simple as it gets. You tag people, their friends, brands, or other Instagram accounts. They will be notified of that, so it's easier to attract other users' attention and have your content pop up in different places.

You should also tag locations to help people in your area find you. This is super important if you're running a local business.

Pro-tip: For Instagram feed posts, tag users within your photo or video rather than within the caption; this way, it's much easier for them to notice that you tagged them. This goes especially for users with a lot of followers and traffic.

Comment back

Wondering how to get Instagram comments fast?

Well, here's another simple trick for you to consider. If you'd like more real comments on your Instagram posts, given that there already are some, comment back to everyone.

How can ENGE help you achieve your goals?

We're here to help you with engagement and, content & marketing strategy for your Instagram account.
If you need any help or have any questions, just send me an email at

Enjoy Instagramming!